Busty Teen Polly Yangs Experiments With Her Furry Fetish

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Most men think that only men have fetishes. But girls also have their spicy fantasies. And some of them are willing to try them. Polly Yangs is such a horny woman who loves to experiment. And the f... Read Moreantasy that she wants to try today is the furry one. So, she ordered some paws and sexy ears from the web and put them on for her boyfriend. But guess what? You are the boyfriend. This amazing VR POV video will have you in an immersive experience with Polly. The fun starts with her wearing sexy white lingerie and her new furry outfit. She lets you turn her around and enjoy her nubile body from all angles. You’ll then enjoy playing with her big natural tits. But she will enjoy having her tits played with just as much. After a while, you slowly take off her lingerie and start playing with her tight little pussy. Your fingers on her hole make her so naughty. She moans like a whore and she looks at you basically begging to have your dick inside her. To make sure you’re ready to fuck her well, she gets on her knees to start sucking. She sucks so well for her age and the way she looks into your eyes will make you crawl up the walls. She’s then ready for the dick. She takes it so well. Even though the dick is big, she takes it all without crying. And then, she gets her sexy ass covered in a big load of cum.
- 25:46
- November 24th, 2024
- 96
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