Tais Mersedes spreads her legs and opens her pussy lips in VR

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The best tits around! This is of course Tais Mersedes and today she is with us on the sofa wearing her favorite black dress. We love to see her in black and we love to see her wearing something tha... Read Moret is light and loose and of course she has no bra on. She is ready to play as she gets up on her knees and starts to play and tease and she keeps pulling her top down some so we can get a glimpse of her cleavage. We get to see just some of those hot tits she keeps in her dress. We enjoy hot women and seeing Tais itching to take off her top and show off her tits is very hot. She likes to play slowly and tease though and she wants to be sure all the attention is on her and the more she plays the more anxious her lover gets to see her take off that black dress. She knows her tits are great and they are something we are always wanting to see. Before she takes off her dress she pulls it up high so we can see that she also has matching panties on. She acts very casual when she pulls up her dress and shows off her panties. This is all very natural for her. When the dress does come off she comes up to the VR camera as close as she can and you can imagine those nipples in your face licking them with your tongue. Sign me up for that! What could be better than her tits in your face as she reaches down and grabs your hard cock?! GO see!
- 25:18
- May 31st, 2023
- 87
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