Melisa Creative comes dressed to fuck in VR today

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Fuck me Melisa Creative. This is the third time we have the sexy Melisa into our studios and all she wanted to do was get to the room with the VR camera and start playing. She didn’t even cha... Read Morenge out of her street clothes. She just wanted to take off her shorts and start. She was wearing some cute panties and a big oversized sweatshirt. We could actually care less what she wears as we are more interested in what is underneath it all. She is such a tease at first she doesn’t do much but touch and play. She knows that just running her hand up and down our leg is going to get a reaction. She has the softest touch and she has fingers that love to explore so she just takes her time and plays with us. It only took a few minutes for her to lose that sweatshirt and get down to her bra and panties. She then took off her bra and panties and then our towel and really started her tease. We love looking down and seeing our cock in her small hands. She takes good care of a cock and she knows how to stroke it! We enjoy seeing her tits bounce and sway as she plays too. And don’t get us started on that hot ass. She jumps on us in reverse cowgirl position and starts to play! We think she is about ready to slide our cock into one of her holes as she seems very turned on too! Go see what Melisa does next!
- 26:25
- March 26th, 2023
- 109
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