Elena Muze has great tits and a soft pink pussy she shows us in VR

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You came for the VR but you are going to stay for the tits! They are fabulous! These tits really are fantastic! If we could put Elena Muze away in some hidden room in our studio where she could liv... Read Moree and we could go in every day and watch her bounce those tits up and down for us, we would! These are the tits dreams are made of! We are so in love with them! We could watch them forever and we would be happy! She has lots of other nice parts as well. She is cute and has a nice personality and she has pretty hair and a soft pretty pussy. But fuck it! We are here for the tits! So, she comes in to the studio today, with those tits of hers, and we get her in a room and tell her we are just going to start shooting and she can do whatever she likes. But we hope what she likes involves taking off her top and letting us watch her tits! She decides that sounds nice and she does us the favor of also letting us see that sweet pink pussy of hers. She bends over in front of us thrusting her ass into us and we reach down and do what any man would, we reach between her legs and grab her pussy! We love the pussy and we love to grab a hold of hers. We also grabbed on to those tits and didn’t let go! Go see how lovely they are in the full video!
- 26:20
- March 19th, 2023
- 90
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